
With 15 members, Diablo Vista Chorus officially chartered as the "Contra Costa Chapter" with Sweet Adelines, Inc. on June 4, 1956. 
The chorus' first regional competition was in April of 1957.
Throughout its history, the chorus has performed many shows (sometimes two in one year), held many fundraisers, hosted regional meetings and been active in the community. It has competed regionally almost every year of its existence, earning the "Most Improved" award in some years and placing in the top five small or mid-sized chorus contests several times.
There have been many wonderful directors leading the chorus: Harry Mendro (1956), Larry Fish (1958), Ray Darrah (1961), Bill Cook (1962), Chris Hohe (1965), Fred "Sammy" Gonzales (1968), Dolores Mendenhall (1971), Diana Franceschi (1972), Dolores Mendenhall (1980), Dave Corley (1982), Jackie Laws-Bishop (1988), Helen Zwall (1992), Julie Starr (1994), Cyndi Sharp (1999), Randy Meyer (2009) and our current Director Caitlin Castelino (2015).
In 2018 the chorus earned the privilege of competing the following year at the international level for the first time. They competed in September of 2019 in New Orleans, in the AA division of the Harmony Classic competition and won first place.
In 2022 - the first competition held after the Covid pandemic - performances were submitted for judging by videotape and the chorus won first place in the region for the first time in its history. This win allowed the chorus to compete in the main international competition in Louisville, Kentucky in November of 2023, placing sixth in the semifinals and eighth in the final competition. Being the chorus' very first time in the main contest, it was a proud accomplishment placing in the top ten choruses out of the 31 choruses that qualified.
Diablo Vista Chorus won the regional competition in 2024 and is once again preparing for the international competition in Columbus, Ohio in October 2025.

Copyright © 2025 Diablo Vista Chorus